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bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU)是一所综合性大学, 多元文化的, and student-centered residential university that enjoys tremendous advantages from its unique coastal location within a thriving metropolitan region adjacent to major maritime and military installations and within easy reach of the nation's capital. Metropolitan Hampton Roads' location provides a rich living laboratory for many of ODU' academic and research pursuits, 包括环境, 海洋, 以及与切萨皮克湾和大西洋有关的自然科学和工程学. The region is host to an extensive and comprehensive public 教育 system and several community colleges and universities, ODU与之有长期和强有力的合作关系. ODU's co-location with an exceptional array of major local and federal government facilities and organizations presents opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships, 比如杰斐逊国家实验室, 美国国家航空航天局兰利, 弗吉尼亚港务局, 以及教学医院,如东弗吉尼亚医学院和圣塔拉诺福克综合医院, 等.


基于其历史和固有优势, the bet8体育娱乐入口 Strategic Plan: 2005-2009 guided the direction of the University over the previous planning period while allowing the University to take advantage of additional unanticipated opportunities.

在过去的五年里, 完成了对大学本科通识教育计划的全面审查和修订, 专注于每个学术领域的目标学习成果. 该大学进行了一个项目评估,最终进行了深入的学术项目审查过程. 需求下降和生产率低下的项目已经减少. 在高需求领域增加了一些博士课程,包括:博士学位.D. programs in English; public administration and urban policy; health services research; 教育; criminology and criminal justice; chemistry; and professional doctorates in 护理 practice and engineering. 其中一些项目为博士生提供了多种选择. The 2008 US News and World Report guide to university graduate programs ranked 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies as a Top 100 graduate school of 教育; the College placed for the first time at #96. New bachelors programs include: Asian Studies; African American Studies; Maritime and Supply Chain Management; and, 最近, 建模与仿真. 越来越多的院系为本科生提供撰写高级荣誉论文的机会.

更好地协调学术指导, 职业生涯管理, 以及其他旨在留住学生的服务, University College was established in 2006 through reorganization and merger of several separate services into a single unit. 学生成功中心的规划工作已完成,计划于2009-10年建造. It will be co-located with a new 学习 Commons in the Perry Library to form a campus focal point for students that provides academic support, 包括学术建议, 测试, 辅导服务, 以及使用技术来支持课外作业. 我们购买了在线工具,以便为学生提供有效和准确的建议. 在RESEARCH生阶段, 增强包括论文奖学金的实施,其中包括旅行奖励, 还有博士导师奖.

2005年至2008年, the number of research and teaching faculty positions increased by 90 to approximately 720 full-time equivalent positions, 其中40%是女性. Endowment-funded chairs for distinguished senior faculty were established and start up funding to recruit new research faculty has been increased. Several nationally-recognized faculty have been recruited to work in multi-disciplinary clusters and teams in modeling and simulation, 生物医学科学, 生物, 计算机科学. 在过去的五年中,大学和外部在教学和RESEARCH方面的奖励都得到了重视, 11名教职员工获得了竞争激烈且享有盛誉的弗吉尼亚杰出教职员工奖. 外部教员奖还包括国家科学院的任命, 富布赖特奖, 并在各种机械工程专业学会担任会员, 咨询, 运动机能学和体育, 电气与电子工程, 人体工程学, 工程管理, 地球科学, 人为因素, 物理, 护理, 语言和听力. 到2007年,将教师工资提高到同行的60%,这加强了挽留教师的努力.

The number of faculty who serve in leadership roles in national and international professional organizations continues to increase each year. 在同行评审期刊上发表学院出版物, 书, 会议发言也大大增加了. 教师的文章已被著名期刊接受, 比如《bet8体育娱乐入口》和《bet8体育娱乐入口》, 并吸引了全国媒体的积极关注, 比如《bet8体育娱乐入口》和《bet8九州登录入口》.

通过一系列措施,该大学的RESEARCH概况已大大改善. 总体RESEARCH支出在2002年至2008年间几乎翻了一番. ODU在为NASA提供联邦来源RESEARCH和开发支出的公立大学中的排名有所上升, 能源部, 美国国立卫生RESEARCH院, 以及国家人文基金会. Substantial federal and state funding was obtained for the multidisciplinary Virginia 建模与仿真 Center (VMASC), 是由RESEARCH办公室管理的, 弗吉尼亚海岸能源RESEARCH联盟(VCERC), 由ODU教员领导. RESEARCH支出排名上升的个别项目领域包括航空航天工程, 经济学, 教育, 电气工程, 人文学科, 数学, 海洋学, 政治科学, 社会学, 以及视觉和表演艺术. 在建模和仿真方面的跨学科RESEARCH力度大大加强, 生物, 教师教育/K12教育, 沿海能源RESEARCH, 分子医学. 对替代能源和健康科学RESEARCH领域的重视有所增加. 认识到ODU在物理方面的特殊优势, 与杰斐逊实验室合作建立了一个新的加速器科学中心.

The University's economic development activities have been focused in three areas: partnership with business; workforce development; and, 区域商业吸引力, 扩张, 和创建. 大学的一些努力, 如建模与仿真技术的发展, 跨三类延伸,形成重要的经济发展平台. 大学致力透过创新RESEARCH园(IRP)与本地公司合作, 哪个为租户提供A级办公室/湿实验室/干实验室环境,并方便使用ODU的RESEARCH人员. 专门挑选租户提供RESEARCH, 商业化, 以及公司和组织的翻译机会. The Virginia Applied 技术 and Professional Development Center offers translational and consulting relationships to companies to help solve their business problems. 主校区以外, ODU维持三个高等教育中心和TELETECHNET远程传送网络, 通过它提供各种本科和RESEARCH生学术课程. The directors of the higher 教育 centers reach out to local businesses with training classes and continuing 教育 offerings that can be customized for employees.

近年来,学术设施有了显著的增长, including: complete renovations of the Batten 艺术 and 信 and 健康 Sciences buildings; major additions to the Oceanography and Physical Sciences Building; the completion of the Engineering and Computational Sciences Building in 2004 and the Kaplan Orchid Conservatory in 2008. Substantial increase in research and business entrepreneurial space has been realized by the opening of Innovation RESEARCH Park (IRP) Buildings I (in 2007) and II (in 2009) in the University village. 各种各样的补充和新的建设完成,以支持大学不断增长的体育项目, 包括波瓦坦体育中心, 新的福克斯-史蒂文斯室内网球中心, and construction of the Ainslie Football Complex in tandem with a full renovation to the Foreman Field at SB Ballard Stadium in preparation for the start of ODU's new Monarch Football season in Fall 2009. 一个最先进的体育和娱乐中心,包括一个室内游泳池, track, 攀岩墙, 2009年夏天开放,毗邻新的学生宿舍和罗珊娜广场. The University's TriCities Center was constructed in Portsmouth adjacent to the Virginia 建模与仿真 Center in Chesapeake. 支持计算基础设施, 国家拉姆达铁路和汉普顿公路RESEARCH网已经实施. Other infrastructure projects include the addition of several new parking structures and storm water management constructions.

随着大学村建设的完成, 随着对宿舍住宿的重大投资(从2美元起),285 to 4,610张床位),位于汉普顿大道的东西两侧, 一个真正的住宅校园的出现计划已经实现. 除了新的宿舍楼, 校园区现在拥有一个全方位服务的娱乐中心, 校园新书店, 各种各样的餐馆, 戈登美术馆, 并在非常成功的Ted Constant召集中心定期安排活动. 预计在未来两年内,一个私人实体将在大学村地区进行更多的住房开发.

正式的招生管理体制于2008年实施, 以便在大学范围内协调招聘工作, 入学, 取向, 招生计划, 金融援助, 留校和毕业流程. 经过深入RESEARCH, 与前几年相比,大学选择了一个不那么激进的招生增长目标. 然而, the recent dramatic downturn in the economies of the Commonwealth and nation has encouraged more students to seek degree completion programs, 选择职业, 以及高级学位, 所有这些都将使未来几年的招生计划更具挑战性.

A series of budget cuts beginning in FY 2007-08 reduced the state portion of the University's operating budget by about 14 percent, 从1.06亿美元增加到2009/10财年的9400万美元, 预计还会进一步削减. 在同一时期,学生人数和全日制学生人数将增加1200多人. 尽管国家资助减少了, 每年的学费涨幅一直保持在5%到7%之间. A four-year financial plan was developed and approved by the 参观委员会 in June 2009 that included use of one-time federal stimulus money to allow University units to engage in long term resource planning despite the cuts in state funding. The continuingly uncertain external financial environment will provide the University its biggest challenge in realizing its plans for 2009-2014, 战略规划过程考虑到了这一挑战.



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